As part of our work to make Christ known, St Wilfrid’s is pleased to support local charities - much information is available through their websites and gifts in kind for these good causes can be brought to church.
Currently we support:
Currently we support:
We give God thanks for his provision for us, we remember our brothers and sisters around the world who face hunger through natural disasters, crop failures, civil unrest or poverty preventing them buying the food they need. Some are in our own area and are supported by Mid Cheshire Foodbank which St Wilfrid’s have supported for some time.
Their current needs can be found by clicking here Donations may be brought to Church, where they will be transported to the Food Bank centre. Please ensure all donations are well in date. Many Thanks |
Easy Fundraising is a no effort way of raising funds for the church. So far St. Wilfrid’s has raised over £600.00, just from people shopping on line. You can help St Wilfrid’s – Davenham raise FREE funds whenever you shop online by signing up to #easyfundraising. It doesn’t cost any extra and you’ll be helping to make a real difference with every purchase you make. It’s great and so easy! To find out more, click on this link: Easy Fundraising |
St. Wilfrid’s Church has committed to helping Families in Crisis, through supporting “Save the Family”
Chester-based Save the Family provides residential accommodation and support for families that are homeless (or at risk of becoming homeless) and who have multiple and complex needs. “We aim to help families by providing a team of mentors who develop relationships with each family based on trust, appropriate challenge and guidance. Our aim is to empower families to overcome barriers, increase their independence, grow in confidence, and reach their true potential. Our hope is that, through showing by example and creating a sense of continuity and stability, families will develop into a cohesive unit that is able to integrate successfully back into the community.” Visit the Save the Family website to see how you can help. |
Tearfund work with local churches and organisations in more than 50 countries to tackle the complex challenges of poverty.
Tearfund are a member charity of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) and assist with emergency appeals. If you would like to support Tearfund please visit |